This five-minute water short reveals the crucial but little-known role water plays in protecting the Space Shuttle during launches. Discover the untold story of how NASA engineers ingeniously used water and clever engineering to avert a catastrophic...
Ever stumble across something so intriguing that it sparks a whole new avenue of questions? Get ready to be surprised as The Outfall dives into the obscure rabbit holes and unique backstories hidden in plain sight all around us. From high-stakes...
Today, we have turned a Waffle House conversation with Mike Caston into our classic 5-minute water short. For those familiar with Mike Caston, you’d know encapsulating his insights in just five minutes feels ambitious. Widely recognized in...
Today, we’ve got a five-minute water short to share with you about hot springs, geothermal energy, and how I paid money to bathe in wastewater.
We have been working hard developing and collecting stories for the past few months, and next week we’re bringing you a brand new season of The Outfall. Season 5.
Thank you for your continued support. The first episode drops Friday, May 5.
We are excited to announce our book club pick for this year. We wondered what a book club announcement would sound like if it were a movie trailer. We are excited to have Chelsea Wald, author of Pipe Dreams, join us in December to answer our...
If you have been to a pool already this summer, you have seen a bright-colored pool noodle. Someone had to have invented these, right? Yes, someone did, and this invention was far from guaranteed success. Enjoy this fun summer water short.
You want to know right? Should Doc Brown drive an F-150 Lightning, Ford’s new all-electric truck? We have got the answer in this water short.
As a quick update, we have been working hard on our new season of The Outfall. Season 4. Thank you for your continued support. The first episode drops on May 13. In the meantime, we thought we would share one of our first water shorts since it is...
Earlier this year, we talked to a commercial diving firm, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., to learn more about what they did. Here are five things we learned that we think you may enjoy too. The clock is ticking for this five-minute water short...